Recently, I went to a Christian concert to see Trevor Morgan, Tenth Avenue North, and Third Day. The name of the concert and Third Day's newest album is "Make Your Move". The Singles' group from my church went and we had an absolutely wonderful the end. We all bought tickets at different times, but we were able to sit fairly close together. My friends and I were able to get there early and "pick" our seats and so we did...front and center! Being in a wheelchair, my visual lines are often limited and so during the "meet and greet" time with the guys in the bands, we opted to grab our seats. and in my case, move a chair because...I bring my own!
It wasn't long before the coliseum began filling up and so we were glad we had decided to get our seats early...until we were told to move. What?! By this time, all the other seats had been taken and the one's we were in were reserved for the Third Day fan club, "Wired". I said, "I'm a fan!" The lady said, "Oh? You're Wired?" I said, "No..." then she proceeded to escort us down to the end of the outside section. I was almost instantly reminded of
"8 “When you are invited by someone to a wedding feast, do not sit down in a place of honor, lest someone more distinguished than you be invited by him, 9 and he who invited you both will come and say to you, ‘Give your place to this person,’ and then you will begin with shame to take the lowest place." Luke 14:8-9 (ESV)
I said to myself, "I hear You loud and clear, Lord." Was I embarrassed? Oh yeah! Did I feel the sting of the Word? Definitely! I had been rebuked and I was perfectly fine to sit where I had been moved, but one of my friends was not. She went to one of our friends that was a "somebody" at the concert and started asking questions. Seems "asking" where to sit works better than just choosing where to sit.
The issue, at this point, had nothing to do with where I sat, but it had everything to do with the Lord teaching me a lesson. In fact, when the concert was over, I thought how I really wish I had been able to give my tickets to someone that didn't know Him. Tenth Avenue North's lead singer, Mike Donehey, did an incredible job of presenting the gospel in such a way that anyone could "get it". Most Christian concerts that I have attended have been "churchy", but not this one though it was still Christ-centered!
Sharon Bridges, Kathy LaCaze, & I at the "Make Your Move Tour" |
The concert was GREAT and I did end up getting seated in an awesome seat (there had been a mix-up...yeah right! God knew exactly what He was doing). Seems the "Make Your Move" theme applied to me as well. I was moved, both physically and spiritually.
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